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Lise Aschuler, ND: Current Evolution in Integrative Cancer Care

Lise Alschuler, ND; Craig Gustafson

Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal (IMCJ): How are naturopathic doctors currently affecting the way that cancer patients are cared for? Dr Alschuler: I think that there are a number of ways in which naturopathic doctors are in the group of practitioners and patients who are in the act of transforming how oncology care is delivered in this country, and to some extent around the world. So, most patients diagnosed with cancer are using some form of what used to be called complementary and alternative medicine, or what we like to refer to as integrative medicine. I mean, the vast majority-in some surveys it's above 90 percent of all patients diagnosed with cancer who avail themselves of some additional integrative therapy in addition to conventional care. Whether it's a mind-body medicine therapy, dietary supplements, some other kind of physical modality, homeopathy, or acupuncture, all of this is in high demand by patients diagnosed with cancer.

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