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Life Extension Foundation Sponsors Magnesium Sulfate Study at University of Miami

Computer analysis of EEG patterns suggests a potential diagnostic test for autism

Baobab, the New GRAS-Approved “Super Fruit,” Featured at IFT Las Vegas Expo, June 26-28 - Booth 1375

Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Offers Improvements in Symptoms Over Three Years

A Genetic Cause For Multiple Sclerosis Is Identified And Funded By Science Patron, Jeffrey Epstein

Landmark Study Shows Tau Levels in Plasma a Predictor for Alzheimer's

Metagenics Hosts First Lifestyle Medicine Summit to Address Growing Epidemic of Chronic Illness

Stress in Pregnant Women Can Provoke Allergic Reactions Such as Asthma or Eczema in the Newborn

Prospective Study Shows Favorable Overall Survival in Cancer of Unknown Primary Patients With Therapy

Patients Often Have Elevated LDL Particle Levels Despite Normal Levels of Lipoprotein(a)

Released: 07/12/12

Life Extension Foundation Sponsors Magnesium Sulfate Study at University of Miami

Clinical trial will assess the effectiveness of an intravenous magnesium sulfate infusion in participants displaying symptoms of treatment resistant mild and moderate depression.

Fla.-based Life Extension Foundation, a pioneer in funding the latest anti-aging research and integrative health therapies, is sponsoring a study in conjunction with the research division at the University of Miami under the direction of John E. Lewis, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, entitled A double blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled study of an IV infusion of Magnesium Sulfate vs. 5 percent Dextrose in a crossover design in male and female volunteers with treatment resistant depression. This study was placed on the website and is currently recruiting for participants.

This clinical trial will assess the effectiveness of an intravenous magnesium sulfate infusion in participants who display symptoms of treatment resistant mild and moderate depression. Each of the 20 subjects will be randomized in a double-blinded fashion to receive either an intravenous infusion of magnesium sulfate or placebo containing 5 percent dextrose. This will be followed by a washout period and then crossover to receive the product that was not initially received.

"The magnesium deficient status will be determined via assessment of the magnesium level in the blood and urine before and after each infusion," says Dr. Steven Hirsh, Life Extension clinical research director of clinical research. "The effectiveness of the infusion will be determined through scores attained on a rating scale for depression as well as a patient health questionnaire for depression." A correlation will then be conducted with levels of magnesium and these scores.

For interviews with study authors, contact Sheldon Baker, Life Extension director of public relations at 954.202.7739 or 954.790.5512, or by email at


Released: 06/26/12

Computer analysis of EEG patterns suggests a potential diagnostic test for autism

Largest, most unbiased analysis to date finds distinguishing EEG features

Widely available EEG testing can distinguish children with autism from neurotypical children as early as age 2, finds a study from Boston Children's Hospital. The study is the largest, most rigorous study to date to investigate EEGs as a potential diagnostic tool for autism, and offers hope for an earlier, more definitive test.

Researchers Frank H. Duffy, MD, of the Department of Neurology, and Heidelise Als, PhD, of the Department of Psychiatry at Boston Children's Hospital, compared raw EEG data from 430 children with autism and 554 control subjects, ages two to 12, and found that those with autism had consistent EEG patterns indicating altered connectivity between brain regions – generally, reduced connectivity as compared with controls.

While altered connectivity occurred throughout the brain in the children with autism, the left-hemisphere language areas stood out, showing reduced connectivity as compared with neurotypical children, consistent with neuroimaging research. Findings were published June 26 in the online open-access journal BMC Medicine.

Duffy and Als focused on children with "classic" autism who had been referred for EEGs by neurologists, psychiatrists or developmental pediatricians to rule out seizure disorders. Those with diagnosed seizure disorders were excluded, as were children with Asperger's syndrome and "high functioning" autism, who tend to dominate (and skew) the existing literature because they are relatively easy to study. The researchers also excluded children with genetic syndromes linked to autism (such as Fragile X or Rett syndrome), children being treated for other major illnesses, those with sensory disorders like blindness and deafness and those taking medications.

"We studied the typical autistic child seeing a behavioral specialist – children who typically don't cooperate well with EEGs and are very hard to study," says Duffy. "No one has extensively studied large samples of these children with EEGs, in part because of the difficulty of getting reliable EEG recordings from them."

The researchers used techniques developed at Boston Children's Hospital to get clean waking EEG recordings from children with autism, such as allowing them to take breaks. They used computer algorithms to adjust for the children's body and eye movements and muscle activity, which can throw off EEG readings.

To measure connectivity in the brain, Duffy and Als compared EEG readings from multiple electrodes placed on the children's scalps, and quantified the degree to which any two given EEG signals—in the form of waves—are synchronized, known as coherence. If two or more waves rise and fall together over time, it indicates that those brain regions are tightly connected. (Duffy likens coherence to two people singing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" together. If they can see and hear each other, they are more likely to sing in synchrony -- so their coherence is high.)

In all, using computational techniques, the researchers generated coherence readings for more than 4,000 unique combinations of electrode signals, and looked for the ones that seemed to vary the most from child to child. From these, they identified 33 coherence "factors" that consistently distinguished the children with autism from the controls, across all age groups (two to four, four to six, and six to 12 years).

Duffy and Als repeated their analysis 10 times, splitting their study population in half different ways and using half to identify the factors, and the other half to test and validate them. Each time, the classification scheme was validated.

"These factors allowed us to make a discriminatory rule that was highly significant and highly replicable," says Duffy. "It didn't take anything more than an EEG—the rest was computational. Our choice of variables was completely unbiased—the data told us what to do."

The researchers believe the findings could be the basis for a future objective diagnostic test of autism, particularly at younger ages when behavior-based measures are unreliable. Their most immediate goal is to repeat their study in children with Asperger's syndrome and see if its EEG patterns are similar to or different from autism. They also plan to evaluate children whose autism is associated with conditions such as tuberous sclerosis, Fragile X syndrome and extremely premature birth.

The study findings complement those of another recent study at Boston Children's, led by informatics researcher William Bosl, PhD, and Charles A. Nelson, PhD, research director of the Developmental Medicine Center. That study looked at the complexity of EEG signals, another indirect measure of brain connectivity, and identified patterns that distinguished infants at increased risk for autism (having affected siblings) from controls.

The current study was funded by the US Department of Education, the National Institute of Child Health and Development, the Weil Memorial Charitable Foundation and the Irving Harris Foundation.


Released: 06/26/12

Baobab, the New GRAS-Approved “Super Fruit,” Featured at IFT Las Vegas Expo, June 26-28 - Booth 1375

Tiger Botanicals, in partnership with the Baobab Fruit Company Senegal, will exhibit a wide range of exciting products derived from Baobab, the new "Super Fruit." Baobab Fruit Pulp Powder is now used worldwide as a food additive, nutritional supplement and in the cosmetic industry. In addition, Tiger Botanicals is now offering a water-soluble version of Baobab for use as an ingredient in the beverage industry.

The high quality Baobab Fruit powder offered by Tiger Botanicals is mechanically processed, using absolutely no heat during the process. Such unique production methods, ensures that the products retain their impressively rich, naturally occurring minerals, vitamins and essential amino acids content. Baobab Powder also contains an amazingly high ORAC count, along with significant levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Additionally, it is an incredible source of soluble dietary (prebiotic) fiber.

"Consumers are still largely uninformed about the natural benefits of this great new Super Fruit, but we continue to be out front in offering the highest quality, NOP Organic and Kosher certified Baobab ingredients to the North American market," says Hugh Lamond, President of Tiger Botanicals.

Baobab Fruit pulp powder has been GRAS and Novel Foods approved and can be used safely as a natural functional ingredient in the food industry, in a variety of products including juices, yoghurts, energy drinks, smoothies, ice creams, fruit powders, chewable tablets, cereal bars, etc. In the nutraceutical industries, the pulp is used as a natural source of fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and high-level source of antioxidants derived from vitamins C and E. The seed oil, leaves and bark can be utilized in the beauty and cosmetics industry to manufacture creams, masks, shampoos, conditioners, lotions and exfoliates. Overall, the wide range of usage of Baobab products makes it a highly valuable and unique natural ingredient.

All of these amazing products will be displayed at the IFT Expo on Tiger Botanicals’ Booth number 1375 in Las Vegas from June 26 to 28, 2012.

You can learn more about Tiger Botanicals and the Baobab Fruit Company Senegal by visiting and or calling toll free 855.858.4437


Released: 06/22/12

Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Offers Improvements in Symptoms Over Three Years

Patients with Parkinson’s disease who undergo deep brain stimulation (DBS)—a treatment in which a pacemaker-like device sends pulses to electrodes implanted in the brain—can expect stable improvement in muscle symptoms for at least three years, according to a Department of Veterans Affairs study appearing in the most recent issue of the journal Neurology.

“VA was proud to partner with the National Institutes of Health in this research,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “Our research on Parkinson’s helps ensure we continue to provide the best care possible for Veterans with this debilitating disease.”

VA cares for some 40,000 Veterans with the condition.

In DBS, surgeons implant electrodes in the brain and run thin wires under the skin to a pacemaker-like device placed at one of two locations in the brain. Electrical pulses from the battery-operated device jam the brain signals that cause muscle-related symptoms. Thousands of Americans have seen successful results from the procedure since it was first introduced in the late 1990s. But questions have remained about which stimulation site in the brain yields better outcomes, and over how many years the gains persist.

Initial results from the study appeared in 2009 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Based on the six-month outcomes of 255 patients, the researchers concluded that DBS is riskier than carefully managed drug therapy—because of the possibility of surgery complications—but may hold significant benefits for those with Parkinson’s who no longer respond well to medication alone.

A follow-up report in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2010, using data from 24 months of follow-up, showed that similar results could be obtained from either of the two brain sites targeted in DBS.

The new report is based on 36 months of follow-up on 159 patients from the original group. It extends the previous findings: DBS produced marked improvements in motor (movement-related) function. The gains lasted over three years and did not differ by brain site.

Patients, on average, gained four to five hours a day free of troubling motor symptoms such as shaking, slowed movement, or stiffness. The effects were greatest at six months and leveled off slightly by three years.

According to VA Chief Research and Development Officer Joel Kupersmith, MD, “This rigorously conducted clinical trial offers valuable guidance for doctors and patients in VA and throughout the world. As our Veteran population and the general US population grow older, this research and future studies on Parkinson’s will play an important role in helping us optimize care.”

The research took place at several VA and university medical centers and was supported by VA’s Cooperative Studies Program and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, part of the National Institutes of Health. The maker of the devices used in DBS, Medtronic Neurological, helped fund the research but did not play a role in designing the study or analyzing the results.

VA, which has the largest integrated health care system in the country, also has one of the largest medical research programs. This year, approximately 3,400 researchers will work on more than 2,300 projects with nearly $1.9 billion in funding.

For more information on VA research, visit


Released: 06/18/12

A Genetic Cause For Multiple Sclerosis Is Identified And Funded By Science Patron, Jeffrey Epstein

The CYP27B1 gene is discovered by Oxford University to be a leading cause for multiple sclerosis

A recent study at Oxford University in England and published in Annals of Neurology, has identified a gene that causes vitamin D deficiency and may also be the cause of multiple sclerosis. The study was partly funded by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Wellcome Trust and the support of science investor, Jeffrey Epstein and The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation.

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease caused by the decay of myelin, the fatty sheath that protects the axons around the brain and spinal cord. Myelin is an essential part of neural communication because it not only protects the nerve circuits but promotes efficient conductivity. Every year, approximately 400,000 people in the United States develop the disease and about 2.5 million people worldwide. Symptoms vary widely, ranging from mild tingling to blindness and paralysis.

The cause of myelin damage is still hotly debated: some believe it to be an autoimmune disease while others cite viruses or the environment as the culprit. There is growing evidence however of a correlation between multiple sclerosis and vitamin D deficiency. Epidemiological studies also show that populations closer to the equator and the sun, have far fewer case of multiple sclerosis than populations closer to the north or south poles. Researchers at Oxford University have now taken this premise a step further by showing that vitamin D deficiency and therefore multiple sclerosis could have a genetic cause.

The study examined the DNA of a group of people with multiple sclerosis who also have a large number of family members with the disease. All the DNA samples showed a distortion of the CYP27B1 gene which controls vitamin D levels in the body. And in a few rare cases where the DNA showed two copies of the distorted gene, the person was found to have a genetic form of rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency as well as multiple sclerosis.

Despite this pivotal link, not all people with vitamin D deficiency develop multiple sclerosis. More research is needed to fully understand why only some people develop multiple sclerosis from vitamin D deficiency and why others don't. However, a distortion of the CYP27B1 gene is increasingly apparent in MS cases and it's possible that the gene generates other, yet undetected, complications that lead to the disease—such as genetically caused rickets.

"Although vitamin D deficiency doesn't always cause MS, it unveiled a critical genetic source that could be causing other problems that lead to MS," Jeffrey Epstein asserted, whose foundation, advances science and medical research across the United States. "Even if we don't understand all of the implications of that gene's distortion, research can focus on gene therapy, and that will accelerate a cure."

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society which also helped fund the Oxford study provides more than 325 research grants worldwide and training fellowships on a broad range of topics from immunology, nerve tissue repair and myelin biology, clinical trials, rehabilitation, psychosocial issues and health care delivery.


Released: 06/07/12

Landmark Study Shows Tau Levels in Plasma a Predictor for Alzheimer's

A study by researchers at the Banner Sun Health Research Institute suggests that plasma levels of tau, a protein formed in the brain, appears to be a biomarker and a strong predictor for Alzheimer's disease.

The study, led by Dr. Larry Speaks at the Banner Sun Health Research Institute (BSHRI), is published in the June edition of American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease. Sparks and other researchers measured tau levels in human plasma and found "significant differences" between cognitively normal individuals and those with either mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's disease. Significantly, Sparks and his team found that the levels of tau were significantly lower in plasma measured in those with diagnosed Alzheimer's disease compared to those with no sign of cognitive decline.

"As cognitive performance declines so do the circulating levels of tau," Sparks noted in the study. "We revealed a significant decrease in plasma levels of tau among those with mild cognitive impairment with a further highly-significant reduction in Alzheimer's patients."

Sparks and his fellow researchers said the data from the recent study suggest that changes in the circulating tau levels may represent a viable biomarker for tracking the progression of Alzheimer's disease and the efficacy of medications in its treatment. The Banner Sun Health Research team found the levels of tau in cognitively normal adults and seniors was nearly three times greater than those with some levels of cognitive impairment.

"Overall, the data suggest that changes in plasma total tau levels may provide a new avenue of identifying the onset of mild cognitive impairment and the ensuing Alzheimer's disease. The era of utilizing a simple blood test to help diagnose Alzheimer's disease is on the immediate horizon," Sparks concluded.

Dr. Sparks is available for media interviews. Please contact Brian Browne at 623.832.6536 or email


Released: 06/07/12

Metagenics Hosts First Lifestyle Medicine Summit to Address Growing Epidemic of Chronic Illness

Fourteen experts in lifestyle medicine to present at groundbreaking conference

Metagenics Inc, a nutrigenomics and lifestyle medicine company focused on reducing chronic health conditions and improving health, announced that it is convening its first Lifestyle Medicine Summit on September 28-30, 2012, in Dana Point, Calif. This landmark professional education event will bring together prominent leaders in this rapidly growing field to share how science-based protocols can be effectively applied in clinical practice to reduce or reverse chronic health conditions and transform lives.

Around the world, the adoption of Western dietary habits, along with increasingly sedentary lifestyles and poorly managed stress, has led to an epidemic of chronic illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and autoimmune diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of two adult Americans has at least one chronic illness, and chronic diseases contribute to seven out of 10 deaths in the US.

Internationally known leaders in the field of lifestyle medicine, Jeffrey Bland, PhD, and Mark Hyman, MD, are confirmed speakers, as well as John Gray, PhD, bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.

“With the worldwide epidemic of chronic disease impacting our health and our economies, there's no debating that lifestyle medicine is a powerful force that cannot only help prevent, but also alleviate many of these illnesses,” said Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACS, CNS, chief science officer for Metagenics, Inc. “The Lifestyle Medicine Summit is a unique opportunity to share advancements in lifestyle medicine and nutrigenomic approaches that address and help delay or reverse the onset of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, digestive issues, stress, inflammation, hormones, and cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.”

The Lifestyle Medicine Summit will take place at the St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort in Dana Point, Calif., on September 28-30, 2012.

Confirmed speakers include:

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACS, CNS, internationally respected for his work in nutritional biochemistry and functional medicine, and the author of more than 150 papers and five books on nutrition and its relationship to health and disease. He is a former senior research scientist and director at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, a co-founder of Bastyr University, and founder of the Institute for Functional Medicine. He currently serves as chief science officer for Metagenics.

Mark Hyman, MD, a world-renowned clinician and internationally recognized leader in addressing the root causes of chronic illness. He is the bestselling author of The Blood Sugar Solution, UltraMetabolism, The UltraMind Solution, and The UltraSimple Diet, and coauthor of UltraPrevention. He serves as the chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine, and is on the board of directors of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine.

John Gray, PhD, noted relationship expert, bestselling author and lecturer, provides practical insights to manage stress and make simple lifestyle and dietary changes for healthy minds and bodies. His new book, Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice, outlines lifestyle tools to support hormone balance at any age.

Jay Lombard, MD, board-certified neurologist and the author of The Brain Wellness Plan and coauthor of Balance Your Brain, Balance Your Life. He is the chief of neurology at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center and clinical assistant professor of neurology at Cornell Medical School. He has lectured extensively on the application of lifestyle medicine strategies in neurological disorders.

Joel Evans, MD, the founder and director of The Center for Women’s Health, where he practices integrative health care. He also serves as assistant clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and women’s health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and is a member of the core faculty for The Center for Mind-Body Medicine and The Institute for Functional Medicine.

Susan Blum, MD, MPH, a pioneer in lifestyle medicine and the founder of Blum Center for Health, providing personalized approaches to chronic disease. She is an assistant clinical professor in preventive medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and a member of the senior teaching faculty at The Center for Mind-Body Medicine. She also serves on the medical advisory board for "The Dr. Oz Show" and is a regular health contributor to Martha Stewart’s Whole Living.

Wendy Warner, MD, board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as holistic medicine. She runs a successful private practice and also serves on the medical advisory board for "The Dr. Oz Show," where she has made appearances to discuss integrative approaches to women's health issues—including hormonal imbalance, menopause, and central adiposity.

Kristi Hughes, ND, the associate director of medical education for the Institute for Functional Medicine and co-developer of the Metagenics FirstLine Therapy Certification Program, which helps doctors implement personalized lifestyle therapies in clinical practice. She is also the founder of the Center of Natural Healing Arts, providing various modalities of natural health care.

Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO, coauthor of The Definitive Guide to Cancer: an Integrative Approach to Prevention, Treatment and Healing and the epigenetic guide, Five to Thrive: Your Cutting-Edge Cancer Prevention Plan. She is a cancer survivor and board-certified naturopathic oncologist who utilizes safe and effective natural therapies along with conventional cancer treatments. She has been featured on SIRIUS Doctor Radio to discuss integrative cancer care.

Robert Rakowski, DC, CCN, DACBN, DIBAK, the clinic director of the Natural Medicine Center in Houston, Texas. He has lectured nationally and internationally to health professionals on various health topics for over 13 years, and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs as an expert in natural medicine.

Joseph Lamb, MD, a board-certified internist and founding diplomat of the American Board of Holistic Medicine who now conducts clinical research with lifestyle modification and nutritional therapies. This published author and lecturer is also a faculty member at the Institute for Functional Medicine. He is currently director of intramural clinical research at Metagenics.

Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS, a mind-body-spirit nutritionist and author of four books on nutrition and wellness. She is also a practicing research clinician who has published over 15 articles in peer-reviewed journals. She lectures internationally on health topics ranging from women’s health to successful aging. She is currently vice president of scientific affairs at Metagenics.

Kelly Austin, ND, is a director of two clinics in Southern California that specialize in integrative patient care. Her special interests include clinical nutrition, fitness, hormone balance, and autism spectrum disorders. She is a leader in corporate wellness, working with government agencies to help implement preventive lifestyle changes.

Dr. Bridget Briggs, MD, is a board certified family practitioner who specializes in integrative medicine. She completed her medical degree at the University of California at San Diego; an internship in obstetrics and gynecology at University Medical Center of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas; and a residency in family practice at Riverside County Regional Medical Center. She received certification through Scripps Institute for Integrative Medicine and has been in private practice since 2001.

To learn more about the Metagenics University Lifestyle Medicine Summit and to register for the event, visit or call 800.692.9400.


Released: 06/06/12

Stress in Pregnant Women Can Provoke Allergic Reactions Such as Asthma or Eczema in the Newborn

The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) will hold its annual congress from June 16–20 in Geneva (Switzerland). The latest advances in the field of allergy and clinical immunology will be presented to specialists from around the world, making it the leading medical congress on allergy and immunology globally. Ground-breaking research results will be presented with the goals of reducing the impact of allergy by early detection, finding ways of prevention and improving the treatment of the growing number of patients.

Exposure to allergens during pregnancy will be a key topic during the EAACI Congress, as well as how stress provokes reactions such us as asthma or eczema in the newborn. Japanese researchers have found that anxiety in pregnant woman is associated with childhood atopic eczema during the first 8 months of life. The results will be presented at the Congress.

New findings will also be presented by the Health Impacts of Airborne Allergen Information Network (HIALINE project), showing the differences in pollen potency between European countries, and allowing better monitoring of allergies across Europe.

EAACI Congress 2012
The scientific programme includes an overview of the current practice trends and provides the best platform to communicate science and education. From “Childhood, the tipping point towards allergy,” to “Revisiting the origins of allergy,” the seven plenary symposia are focused on covering the most current topics in the field.

To complete the scientific agenda, an extensive programme full of sessions, courses, meetings and workshops will comprehensively address all areas of allergy and clinical immunology. More than 1,800 abstracts that represent the most recent discoveries in the field will be discussed in 39 oral presentation sessions and full day accessible poster sessions.


Released: 06/06/12

Prospective Study Shows Favorable Overall Survival in Cancer of Unknown Primary Patients With Therapy

Poster Discussion at ASCO shows CancerTYPE ID predicted a site of tumor origin in 98 percent of CUP patients

bioTheranostics, developer of innovative oncology diagnostic tests and solution provider for metastatic cancer, today announced study results showing that tumor profiling with its CancerTYPE ID molecular test helped guide site-specific chemotherapy and improve overall survival for patients with carcinoma of unknown primary site (CUP). The results were presented at the 2012 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Chicago.

The prospective trial, led by John Hainsworth, MD, and F. Anthony Greco, MD, of the Sarah Cannon Research Institute, utilized the CancerTYPE ID molecular classifier on 252 previously untreated CUP patients. Of the 194 patients who received assay-directed first-line therapy, results showed that the median overall survival was 12.5 months versus 4.7 months for patients receiving empiric therapy (p=0.02).

“This was the first prospective study in which molecular profiling was used to direct site-specific therapy in CUP patients, producing a median overall survival that compares favorably with previous trials of empiric CUP therapy,” said bioTheranostics Chief Scientific Officer Mark Erlander, PhD. “Importantly, evidence from this study supports the use of molecular tumor profiling in the standard management of patients with CUP.”

Richard Ding, CEO of bioTheranostics, said this study demonstrates the diagnostic and therapeutic utility of CancerTYPE ID in CUP management. “These results show the value of CancerTYPE ID in improving treatment efficacy by directing site-specific therapy,” he said. “The results strengthen the rationale for molecular profiling in CUP management and show the value of precision medicine.”

Ding said the results of this study are supported by two other studies presented at ASCO. This includes the first study to compare molecular classification versus the standard-of-care immunohistochemistry (IHC), which showed that CancerTYPE ID has a higher level of diagnostic accuracy than IHC in a series of 122 difficult-to-diagnose cases. A second blinded, multi-institutional study with three centers of excellence (UCLA, Mayo Clinic, and Massachusetts General Hospital)––the largest validation study of a molecular classifier to date—showed that CancerTYPE ID has a high level of accuracy in predicting main tumor type and subtype, as well as stable performance in primary versus metastatic tumors, and in samples where specimen quantity was limited, as is common with core and fine needle biopsies.

“Taken together, these results support the use of the CancerTYPE ID assay as a standardized diagnostic aid when primary tumor site is uncertain,” Ding said. They also serve to solidify bioTheranostics’ position as a partner and solution provider in metastatic cancer.”

CancerTYPE ID is being exhibited at bioTheranostics’ booth, No. 16097. To view the abstract, click here.


Released: 06/04/12

Patients Often Have Elevated LDL Particle Levels Despite Normal Levels of Lipoprotein(a)

Many patients with low Lp(a) concentration could be at substantial atherogenic risk; numerous clinical studies of LDL particles presented at NLA Annual Scientific Sessions

LipoScience Inc, an in vitro diagnostic company advancing patient care by developing high value proprietary clinical diagnostic tests using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology, today announced results from a clinical study demonstrating that patients with normal levels of lipoprotein(a) may retain significant risk of atherosclerosis due to an elevated low density lipoprotein particle (LDL-P) number. Lipoprotein(a) is considered a risk factor for atherosclerotic diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke.

Researchers analyzed blood samples from 3,024 subjects who were previously diagnosed with either hyperlipidemia, clinical coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus or symptomatic carotid artery disease and concluded that 52 percent of patients with lipoprotein(a) levels of less than 30 mg/dL (which is considered normal) had LDL particle levels greater than 1,300 nmol/L (which is considered high).

“These results provide further evidence that measuring LDL particles in clinical practice may lead to better management of cardiovascular disease by identifying those patients who may be at residual risk for cardiac events despite normal values on other lipid and lipoprotein measurements,” said Hector Malave, MD, a practicing cardiologist in Atlanta and investigator in this study.

This study is one of several on lipoprotein particles that were presented at the National Lipid Association Annual Scientific Sessions in Scottsdale, Ariz. Other notable results include:

A study of nearly 1,220 patients which found that co-administration of ezetimibe/simvastatin (E/S) and extended-release niacin reduced LDL particle levels and increased high density lipoprotein particle (HDL-P) levels significantly more than E/S or niacin alone in patients with type IIa and IIb hyperlipidemia.

A study which found that HIV positive patients may be more likely to experience discordance between LDL cholesterol and LDL particle levels, suggesting that measurement of LDL cholesterol alone in this patient population may underestimate the atherogenic burden for HIV patients which are known to have increased cardiovascular disease risk.

“Many papers demonstrating the clinical utility of LDL particles have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals,” said Robert Honigberg, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Vice President, Medical Affairs of LipoScience. “This additional evidence supports the literature that demonstrated that in patients whose LDL particle number is greater than their LDL cholesterol level, the risk of cardiovascular events increases with the higher LDL particle number.”

In these studies, lipoprotein particle levels were measured using LipoScience’s NMR LipoProfile test, which detects the concentration of low density and high density lipoprotein particles in a blood sample and provides physicians and their patients with actionable information to personalize management of risk for cardiovascular disease. To date, over seven million NMR LipoProfile tests have been ordered to aid in the management of patients’ heart heath.


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