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New Study Further Substantiates Superba Krill's Lipid-Lowering Effects

Newly-Published 8-Year Follow-Up Study Confirms the Safety, Efficacy, and Durability of Stretta in GERD Treatment

New lab testing option for GI disorders.

Dogs Detect Prostate Cancer in Men at a Remarkably High Rate of Accuracy

New Study in Nature Genetics Reveals Interplay between Genetics and Metabolism in Complex Disease

Pharmax® Fish Oils Offer Best In Class Quality Assurance Standards

Presenting Scientific Ayurveda to the World: Indian Doctor Addresses World Cardiology Conference in Australia

Investigating The Role Of Aging And Poor Nutrition On Colon Cancer: NIH Awards Einstein $3.2 Million Grant

Inactivity Related to Chronic Disease in Adults with Disabilities

Elevated Liver Enzyme Levels Linked to Higher Gestational Diabetes Risk

American Society for Nutrition Hosts Second Global Summit on the Health Effects of Yogurt

New Research Published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology Shows How Wheat Activates the Immune Response to Gluten in Celiac Disease

New Website Educates Healthcare Professionals on Biotherapeutic Drainage

Team Unveils Molecular Structures Key to Blood Clotting

Released: 05/22/14

New Study Further Substantiates Superba Krill's Lipid-Lowering Effects

Researchers from Sweden's Karolinska Institute and the University of Bergen, Norway have concluded that the omega-3s in krill are advantageous for reducing high blood triglycerides. Their recently published study in Nutrition & Metabolism compared equal amounts of Superba krill oil and fish oil in a high-fat diet given to mice for six weeks. The effects on plasma and liver lipids as well as gene regulation in the liver and intestine were measured at the end of the study.

"When comparing krill and fish oil supplementation, we found differences in the metabolic regulation of genes involved in lipid degradation and synthesis," commented author Veronika Tillander, PhD. "While fish oil mainly increased the degradation of lipids, krill oil decreased the expression of genes involved in endogenous fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis."

Lena Burri, PhD, Director of Scientific Writing, Aker BioMarine Antarctic, added, "Even though the krill oil diet contained less omega-3 fatty acids, plasma and liver phospholipid omega-3 levels were similar in the krill and fish oil supplemented groups. Krill oil's special combination of omega-3 fatty acids in phospholipid form may therefore represent an attractive means of managing high blood lipids."

Explaining what these findings mean for Superba Krill moving forward, Tove Flem Jacobsen, Vice President of R&D and Regulatory Affairs, Aker BioMarine Antarctic, said, "This study expands our knowledge base on the beneficial effects of krill oil on lipid metabolism. And it represents an important step in strengthening krill oil's position in the triglyceride-lowering market."

Released: 05/22/14

Newly-Published 8-Year Follow-Up Study Confirms the Safety, Efficacy, and Durability of Stretta in GERD Treatment

A newly published peer-reviewed study that examines Stretta therapy, further confirms the long-term effectiveness of this non-surgical treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The 8-year study published in Gastroenterology Research and Practice, entitled "Durability of Stretta Radiofrequency Treatment for GERD: Results of 8-Year Follow-Up" corroborates the findings of another recently published long-term study on Stretta with 10-year follow-up. 

The new study, authored by Drs. Luca Dughera, Maria De Cento, Paola Cassolino, and Fabio Cissaro of City of Health and Sciences Hospital, Turin, Italy, and Gianluca Rotondano of Maresca Hospital, Naples, Italy, concludes that Stretta is a safe and effective treatment with lasting results in patients for whom PPI therapy provides unsatisfactory control of GERD symptoms, and those that prefer a less invasive treatment option than surgery.

"Of the many important findings in this study, one of the most significant is the complete absence of any Barrett's esophagus or erosive esophagitis in the follow-up population at eight years," stated Dr. Dughera. "These findings make clear that along with excellent symptom control, Stretta reduces patient dependence on medication while also reducing harmful effects of prolonged esophageal acid exposure, a principal cause of Barrett's and esophagitis. In fact, in this study 76.9 percent of patients were still off their PPIs at eight-year follow-up," said Dr. Dughera. "Stretta is a valuable non-surgical treatment option in the management of GERD," he added.

Stretta uses low power and low temperature radiofrequency (RF) energy to remodel the lower esophageal sphincter muscle, thus reducing GERD and its symptoms.

"This 8-year follow-up study adds to a growing body of long-term data, which now includes 10-year, 8-year, and three 4-year studies, as well as 30 other studies of varied length follow up, making Stretta by far the most studied non-surgical treatment for GERD," stated Will Rutan, CEO of Mederi Therapeutics, maker of Stretta. "The results in all of these long-term studies consistently show exceptional safety, effectiveness and durability of treatment," Rutan continued. In February of 2013, Stretta earned The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) strongest GRADE recommendation in their Clinical Guideline on Endoluminal GERD treatments.

Stretta will be featured in live case demonstrations at the upcoming Endolive Roma in Rome, Italy on May 22-23,, and at the GEEW in Brussels, Belgium on June 23-25,
For the complete study go to
More information on Stretta is available at

SOURCE Mederi Therapeutics

Released: 05/21/14

New lab testing option for GI disorders.

Distinguishing the cause of gut disorders can be complicated. Therefore, Cell Science Systems, Corp. announced the launch of a new test today to help clinicians reach a diagnosis and suggest dietary strategies to improve whatever gut malady a person may have. The Gut Health Profile, or GHP, is a blood test profile that evaluates GI health and risks on a genetic, antibody, and cellular level. The GHP may be of use to physicians in determining risk of celiac and other GI conditions as well as identifying disease triggering foods other than gluten.

Understanding celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity

Celiac disease affects about 1 percent of the population. However, some experts believe the disease is underdiagnosed. Moreover, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, which may present symptoms similar to celiac disease, are believed to be a much larger problem.

Dr. Alessio Fasano, a celiac researcher from Harvard, has identified a link between gluten intolerance and various non-celiac gastrointestinal problems including: diarrhea, bloating, and indigestion, which could, under the right circumstance and with the right co-factors, progress to full blown celiac.  Dr Fasano States, "Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are subsets of gluten intolerance. Anyone who has celiac disease or gluten sensitivity is, by definition, gluten intolerant."  Dr. Fasano concludes that sensitivity to gluten exists on a spectrum, from some people who are terribly sensitive as with celiac disease, to others who have no sensitivity at all—a spectrum that includes many, many people at every point in between. The Gut Health Panel is designed to help clarify where someone is on the spectrum.

For more information about the Gut Health Profile (GHP) visit

Released: 05/19/14

Dogs Detect Prostate Cancer in Men at a Remarkably High Rate of Accuracy

With an accuracy rating of 98 percent, specially-trained dogs were able to smell volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released into urine by prostate tumors, setting the stage for a potentially new means of early prostate cancer detection, according to a new study at the 109th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA). The study will be presented to the media during a special press conference on Sunday, May 18 at 1 p.m. at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL. Brian Stork, MD, urologist, West Shore Urology, Muskegon, MI will moderate the media session.

It has long been known that dogs have a stronger sense of smell than humans. While humans have roughly five million olfactory cells in their noses, dogs have about 200 million. For years, law enforcement and the military have used dogs to them help locate bombs and drugs. It should then be no surprise that a dog's intricate sense of smell has also captured the interest of the medical world. In recent years, new findings have emerged to indicate dogs are capable of detecting the onset of epileptic seizures as well as malignancies of the breast and lung. In 2010, research emerged demonstrating a dog's ability to "sniff out" prostate cancer; however the study was relatively small with 33 patients. This study, however addresses the ability of canines to accurately detect the presence of prostate cancer in a much larger cohort.

Study Details
Researchers at several leading Italian institutions, including Humanitas Research Hospital and Humanitas Castellanza, investigated the level of accuracy at which a highly-trained dog can recognize prostate-cancer-specific VOCs in urine samples.

The study consisted of 677 participants who were placed in one of two groups: prostate cancer group (n=320) and control group (n=357). The prostate cancer group included patients with prostate cancer ranging from those at a very-low risk to metastatic. The control group included a diverse cohort of healthy subjects affected by non-neoplastic disease or non-prostatic tumors. Two dogs carried out the testing in an environment free of olfactory interference.

Researchers discovered:

  • The two dogs were able to detect VOCs in the urine of study subjects with an accuracy of 98 percent. Sensitivity and specificity for both were 99 percent and 97 percent respectively.  
  • Dog one's rate of accuracy was 99 percent. Sensitivity was 100 percent and specificity was 98 percent.
  • Dog two's rate of accuracy was 97 percent. Sensitivity was 99 percent and specificity was 96 percent.

"These data show analysis of volatile organic compounds in urine is a promising approach to cancer detection," said Dr. Stork. "The possibility of using dogs identifying cancer is something most would never have considered possible a decade or two ago. It's an interesting concept that 'man's best friend' could help save your life."    

SOURCE American Urological Association

Released: 05/16/14

New Study in Nature Genetics Reveals Interplay between Genetics and Metabolism in Complex Disease

Metabolon, Inc., a leader in metabolomics, announced today the publication of a paper entitled “An Atlas of Genetic Influences on Human Blood Metabolites” in Nature Genetics. Co-authored by Metabolon scientists, this paper is the result of a third genome-wide association study (GWAS) that combines genomic data and metabolic profiling to gain comprehensive understanding of the human biological system and presents the most comprehensive metabolomics survey of human metabolism conducted to date.

Building on earlier work published in Nature in 2011, Metabolon, in collaboration with a team of researchers led by Pfizer, King’s College London, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, among others, measured over 500 blood metabolites of nearly 8,000 study participants. This effort revealed hundreds of exceptionally strong associations between metabolites and genetic variants. These associations provide a system-wide atlas of the effective activity of human genes and allelic differences, potentially improving disease understanding and providing new opportunities for drug development.

“One of the great conundrums in genomic research, aside from determining gene function, is to determine the biological meaning, if any, of allelic differences,” commented Michael Milburn, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at Metabolon and one of two Metabolon authors to the publication. “Metabolic-allelic associations have the potential to provide a better understanding of gene function and can be enormously helpful in teasing apart genetic differences to improve biological understanding.”

“This study illustrates the power of discovery metabolomics to ‘complete the picture’ in human genomic studies aimed at understanding the complexity of human health,” said John Ryals, PhD, President and CEO of Metabolon. “The last decade of genomics research has revealed an even deeper level of complexity than once thought. Advanced metabolomics technology has the potential to bridge complex genetic and proteomic data to provide enhanced insight into the individual phenotype. We are grateful for the efforts of our long-term collaborators, Prof. Tim Spector, Prof. Karsten Suhre and Prof. Gabi Kastenmueller, for their leadership and dedication to this project. It is a tour de force of modern genomic and metabolomic research.”

Metabolon has several ongoing initiatives that utilize its proprietary metabolomics technology to advance genomics-based health research. These include strategic partnerships with Craig Venter’s new genomics initiative, Human Longevity, Inc., and the Global Genomics Group (G3). These collaborations demonstrate increasing awareness among scientific experts about the important role metabolomics can play in other forms of ‘omic’ research.

Released: 05/14/14

Pharmax® Fish Oils Offer Best In Class Quality Assurance Standards

Portion of sales to support the Arthritis Foundation during the month of May

Pittsburgh, PA, May 14, 2014 – Pharmax®, a trusted Seroyal® brand and a North American leader in probiotics and fish oils offering a comprehensive line of professional-grade, evidence-based nutraceuticals, is proud to announce that its fish oils have been tested best in class for quality assurance by third party vendor Silliker, Inc., an international network of leading accredited testing and consulting laboratories for the food industry.
“At Pharmax®, we use the highest international purity standards, using not only the finest ingredients in our fish oils, but also aligning with the strongest regulations in the world to ensure that these fish oils are created with the safety of our healthcare practitioners and patients in mind,” stated Yves Yau, President, Seroyal International.
Pharmax® fish oil products are screened for impurities throughout their robust quality assurance testing process, including heavy metals, pesticides and radiation.
"Pharmax® fish oils are tested under the most rigorous industry standards, employing methods that are validated by recognized testing bodies," says Jocelyn Alfieri, Laboratory Director of Silliker Canada Co. "We have years of expertise in fish and oil analysis and remain on the cutting-edge of technology to deliver reliable and consistent results to our clients."

Throughout the month of May, which is Arthritis Awareness Month, proceeds from the sales of qualifying Pharmax® fish oil products will be donated to the Arthritis Foundation’s ‘Millions in May’ campaign. The campaign aims to raise $1 million towards finding a cure for the nation’s leading cause of disability.
“Pharmax® is honored to be able to partner with the Arthritis Foundation’s ‘Millions in May’ campaign to raise funds that will support cutting-edge research, fight to ensure people have access to medications and treatments, serve as the voice of people with arthritis, lead efforts to personalize medical treatments and advocate for pediatric rheumatologists,” said Yau.
Qualifying products for the ‘Millions in May’ campaign include Pharmax® Finest Pure Fish Oil liquid, Pharmax® Finest Pure Fish Oil capsules, and Pharmax® Finest Pure Fish Oil + Vitamin D. Products can also be purchased in support of the campaign at

For more information regarding Pharmax®, please visit For information regarding the Arthritis Foundation’s ‘Millions in May’ campaign, or to donate to the cause, please visit For more information regarding the Silliker, Inc. testing processes, please visit
Pharmax®, a trusted brand of Seroyal®, a business unit of Atrium Innovations Inc. is a leading-edge, comprehensive line of professional grade nutraceuticals products built upon a 15 year research-driven, evidence-based scientific foundation. Pharmax® is continuously looking at improving or adding efficacious products to the range of nutritional products available to the healthcare practitioner. Pharmax® is headquartered in Richmond Hill, ON, Canada. For additional information, please visit
Atrium Innovations Inc. is a globally recognized leader in the development, manufacturing, and commercialization of innovative, science-based natural health products which are distributed in more than 35 countries. The Company owns healthcare practitioner and specialized retail product brands that are at the forefront of science, innovation and education. Atrium has over 1,500 employees and operates seven manufacturing facilities complying with current Good Manufacturing Practices. Additional information is available at
The leading international network of accredited testing and consulting laboratories provides exceptional knowledge of food matrices and regulatory requirements. Silliker is dedicated to helping companies worldwide find complete solutions to today's food safety and quality challenges throughout the supply chain. Its microbiologists utilize approved analytical methods to isolate and identify foodborne pathogens. The scientific and medical expertise of its parent company, Institut Mérieux, enables Silliker to propose a complete offer of laboratory, consulting, auditing and research services. For additional information, please visit
Striking one in every five adults and 300,000 children, arthritis is the nation’s leading cause of disability. The Arthritis Foundation ( is committed to raising awareness and reducing the impact of this serious, painful and unacceptable disease, which can severely damage joints and rob people of living life to its fullest. The Foundation funds life-changing research that has restored mobility in patients for more than six decades; fights for health care policies that improve the lives of the millions who live with arthritis; and partners with families to provide empowering programs and information.

Headquartered in Miami, FL, is a leader in the online health supplement space, distributing the purest and highest-grade natural supplements with an average of 400,000 active customers and 80+ service professionals. features a secure and friendly online shopping experience providing free shipping on more than 40,000 products. PureFormulas’ professionals work with a board of healthcare advisors, naturopaths and chiropractors to keep up-to-date with customers’ needs and healthcare trends. PureFormulas’ mission is to maintain daily motivation and passion for healthy living, with a focus on high-level customer service and quality products. For more information on PureFormulas, please go to:
Darice Case
Chemistry Communications
p: 412-325-2895

Amelie Germain
Atrium Innovations
p: 418-652-1116

Released: 05/09/14

Presenting Scientific Ayurveda to the World: Indian Doctor Addresses World Cardiology Conference in Australia

Dr. Rohit Sane of Sane Care's Madhavbaug clinics presented his pioneering research on a novel non-invasive herbal procedure Sampurna Hriday Shuddhikaran (SHS) in patients with Ischemic Heart Disease at World Cardiology Conference (May 4-7, 2014) in Melbourne, Australia. The study shows a marked improvement in exercise capacity and reduction in angina pain in patients who underwent SHS, a 6-day residential therapy.

India was estimated to account for almost 60 percent of the world's heart disease by 2010. By 2015, the number of patients with coronary heart disease is projected to be over 60 million. This places an inordinate amount of stress on the existing infrastructure to combat these diseases. Lack of access to the standard modern medicine treatments, their high prices and the risk of invasive procedures can deter people from getting them done. A possible answer to this problem can be novel, non-invasive and affordable therapies like SHS.

According to the ICMR Guidelines for Biomedical research, traditional knowledge systems like Ayurveda can prove to be a 'hidden treasure' if proven effective with modern scientific methods. However, reviewing the clinical researches in herbal treatment are found intertwined with huge difficulties primarily because of unavailability of published qualitative research work which is accessible.

Dr. Sane has devised his own unique programme for treating heart diseases by creating an amalgam of Ayurveda and modern systems of medicine. Dr. Sane says, "Sampurna Hriday Shuddhikaran is a process we have created through our skill sets, using the science of pathophysiology of heart disease and procedures which might help heart disease." He explains that the SHS therapy works by improving circulation, reducing water retention, relaxing the muscles around the heart and improving its ability of contraction. As the study shows, testing SHS, amongst the parameters of modern scientific research has proven that this therapy is effective. It has the additional advantage of being cost-effective.

Dr. Dinesh Patil, a consulting cardiologist at Madhavbaug, reiterates the benefit of SHS, "I believe Ayurveda has a lot to offer to the modern practice of medicine. At Madhavbaug, Dr. Sane is continuously striving to validate these offerings and see if they stand the test of clinical trials. It is heartening to see these treatments work."

SOURCE Dr. Rohit Sane and Madhavbaug

Released: 05/09/14

Investigating The Role Of Aging And Poor Nutrition On Colon Cancer: NIH Awards Einstein $3.2 Million Grant

Two risk factors – getting older and eating poorly – are implicated in more than 80 percent of colon cancer cases in developed countries. Now, researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have received a $3.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to investigate how aging and poor nutrition interact to cause the mutations responsible for driving colon cancer development.

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States (behind lung cancer) and the third most common cause of cancer in men and women. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 130,000 people are diagnosed with the disease each year and more than 50,000 men and women will die from it. The vast majority of these cancers occur in people 50 or older.

"We know that age is a major risk factor for all types of cancer, and we also understand that lifelong dietary habits play an extremely important role in the development of colorectal cancers," said Leonard Augenlicht, PhD, professor of medicine and of cell biology at Einstein, director of the Biology of Colon Cancer Program at the NCI-designated Albert Einstein Cancer Center, and principal investigator on the grant.  

Dr. Augenlicht has used mouse models to replicate how a Western-style diet affects the colon.  Such diets are high in fat and low in levels of vitamin D, calcium and fiber. Not only did the diet cause a notable increase in the incidence of sporadic colon cancer in mice, but Dr. Augenlicht also saw ominous changes at the cellular level well before tumors developed.

Those changes were observed within intestinal crypts – glands embedded in the wall of the small intestine. The crypts give rise to cells that absorb nutrients and that protect it from harmful substances, including the bacteria residing in the intestine. The crypts also house stem cells, which make daughter cells that travel from the crypts to repopulate and restore the intestine's mucosal lining.

Dr. Augenlicht's lab recently found that when mice are fed a Westernized diet, the crypts undergo an inflammatory response that seems to cause their stem cells to accumulate mutations.  In addition, the daughter cells of these stem cells tend to stay within the crypt rather than travel into other portions of the intestinal lining – which may be a sign that stem-cell mutations were accumulating in them. Aging is also implicated in mutations, so the combination of a Westernized diet and getting older would increase the probability of colon tumors arising from mutated intestinal cells.

The Einstein researchers will use several novel techniques to find how age and diet interact to produce the intestinal stem-cell mutations that appear to be key players in causing colon cancer. One of those techniques was developed by Jan Vijg, Ph.D., professor and chair of genetics, professor of ophthalmology & visual sciences, and the Lola and Saul Kramer Chair in Molecular Genetics at Einstein and a key co-investigator on the renewed grant. Known as single-cell whole-genome sequencing, this technique will determine both the quantity and types of mutations that affect stem cells of the intestinal crypts.
"Our aim is to better understand how tumors develop and to come up with new approaches for preventing colon cancer and detecting it early," said Dr. Augenlicht.

The research will be funded by grant R01CA174432 from the National Cancer Institute, part of the NIH.

Released: 05/07/14

Inactivity Related to Chronic Disease in Adults with Disabilities

Working age adults with disabilities who do not get any aerobic physical activity are 50 percent more likely than their active peers to have a chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes, stroke, or heart disease, according to a Vital Signs report released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Nearly half (47 percent) of adults with disabilities who are able to do aerobic physical activity do not get any. An additional 22 percent are not active enough. Yet only about 44 percent of adults with disabilities who saw a doctor in the past year got a recommendation for physical activity.

"Physical activity is the closest thing we have to a wonder drug," said CDC Director Tom Frieden, MD, MPH.

"Unfortunately, many adults with disabilities don't get regular physical activity. That can change if doctors and other health care providers take a more active role helping their patients with disabilities develop a physical fitness plan that's right for them."

Most adults with disabilities are able to participate in some aerobic physical activity which has benefits for everyone by reducing the risk of serious chronic diseases. Some of the benefits from regular aerobic physical activity include increased heart and lung function; better performance in daily living activities; greater independence; decreased chances of developing chronic diseases; and improved mental health.

For this report, CDC analyzed data from the 2009-2012 National Health Interview Survey and focused on the relation between physical activity levels and chronic diseases among U.S. adults aged 18-64 years with disabilities, by disability status and type. These are adults with serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs; hearing; seeing; or concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. Based on the 2010 data, the study also assessed the prevalence of receiving a health professional recommendation for physical activity and the association with the level of aerobic physical activity.
Key findings include:

  • Working age adults with disabilities are three times more likely to have heart disease, stroke, diabetes or cancer than adults without disabilities.
  • Nearly half of adults with disabilities get no aerobic physical activity, an important protective health behavior to help avoid these chronic diseases.
  • Inactive adults with disabilities were 50 percent more likely to report at least one chronic disease than were active adults with disabilities.
  • Adults with disabilities were 82 percent more likely to be physically active if their doctor recommended it.

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that all adults, including those with disabilities, get at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate – intensity aerobic physical activity each week. If meeting these guidelines is not possible, adults with disabilities should start physical activity slowly based on their abilities and fitness level.

Doctors and other health professionals can recommend physical activity options that match the abilities of adults with
disabilities and resources that can help overcome barriers to physical activity. These barriers include limited information about accessible facilities and programs; physical barriers in the built or natural environment; physical or emotional barriers to participating in fitness and recreation activities, and lack of training in accessibility and communication among fitness and recreation professionals.
"It is essential that we bring together adults with disabilities, health professionals and community leaders to address resource needs to increase physical activity for people with disabilities," said Coleen Boyle, PhD, MS hyg., director of CDC's National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.

CDC has set up a dedicated resource page for doctors and other health professionals with information to help them recommend physical activity to their adult patients with disabilities,    

Through the Affordable Care Act, more Americans have access to health coverage and to no-cost preventive services. Most health insurance plans cannot deny, limit, or exclude coverage to anyone based on a pre-existing condition, including persons with disabilities. To learn more about the Affordable Care Act, visit or call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY/TDD 1-855-889-4325).

SOURCE Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Released: 05/05/14

Elevated Liver Enzyme Levels Linked to Higher Gestational Diabetes Risk

Women with high levels of a common liver enzyme measured prior to pregnancy were twice more likely to subsequently develop gestational diabetes than those with the lowest levels, according to a recent Kaiser Permanente study published in the journal Diabetes Care.


The liver plays an important role in regulating glucose levels in the body. The liver enzyme, called gamma-glutamyl transferase (known as GGT), is a common marker of liver function and has also been associated with insulin resistance, which can be a precursor to gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

"Several biomarkers appear to be associated with the risk of gestational diabetes," said Monique M. Hedderson, PhD, senior author of the study and research scientist with the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, Calif. "This study and others we've done provide evidence that women who develop gestational diabetes have metabolic abnormalities even before pregnancy. In the future, we could potentially try to prevent gestational diabetes by intervening before women get pregnant."

Gestational diabetes, or glucose intolerance during pregnancy, has increased dramatically in recent decades and is now one of the most common complications of pregnancy. It can lead to the birth of larger-than-normal babies and subsequent delivery complications. According to recent studies, women with gestational diabetes are seven times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life, and their children are at greater risk of becoming obese and developing diabetes themselves.

Researchers examined the medical records of 256 women who developed gestational diabetes during pregnancy and compared them with 497 women who did not. Those studied had voluntarily given blood samples between 1985 and 1996 during routine care and subsequently delivered an infant in Kaiser Permanente's Northern California region.

After adjusting for numerous possible confounding factors, including body mass index and alcohol use, the researchers found that women in the highest quartile of GGT had nearly twice the risk of subsequent gestational diabetes than those in the lowest quartile. No associations were found with two other commonly monitored liver enzymes, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase.

"A few studies have looked at liver enzyme levels during pregnancy and the risk of gestational diabetes, but to our knowledge this is the first to look at liver enzyme levels measured before pregnancy," said lead author Sneha Sridhar, MPH, project coordinator with the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research.

This study is the third in a series using the same cohort of mothers to examine the role of biomarkers prior to pregnancy in predicting the risk of gestational diabetes. The researchers ultimately hope to develop a risk model to help identify women who would benefit from interventions during the pre-conception period.

In the previous studies, researchers reported that:

·         Overweight women with low levels of the hormone adiponectin prior to pregnancy were nearly seven times more likely to develop gestational diabetes than normal weight women with high levels (August 2013).

·         Women with low levels of the sex hormone binding globulin were five times more likely to develop gestational diabetes than those with higher levels of the protein (February 2014).

Kaiser Permanente can conduct transformational health research like this in part because it has the largest private patient-centered electronic health record system in the world. The organization's electronic health record system, Kaiser Permanente HealthConnect, securely connects 9.1 million patients to 17,000 physicians in 611 medical offices and 38 hospitals. It also connects Kaiser Permanente's research scientists to one of the most extensive collections of longitudinal medical data available, facilitating studies and important medical discoveries that shape the future of health care delivery for patients and the medical community.

In addition to Hedderson and Sridhar, co-authors of the study are: Fei Xu, MA; Jeanne Darbinian, MPH; Charles P. Quesenberry, PhD; and Assiamira Ferrara, MD, PhD, all of the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research.

The research was supported in part by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health.

Source: Kaiser Permanente,

Released: 05/01/14

American Society for Nutrition Hosts Second Global Summit on the Health Effects of Yogurt

Leading scientists from around the world gathered in San Diego this week to discuss the latest science related to the health benefits of yogurt. The event, hosted by The Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a Balanced Diet (YINI), with the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), Danone Institute International, and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), and in conjunction with the ASN's Scientific Sessions at Experimental Biology 2014, was the second annual gathering of a multi-year effort.

Building on last year's conversations, scientists discussed a variety of issues—from looking at new research about the association between yogurt consumption and Type 2 diabetes to analyzing how yogurt can help play a role in improving dairy consumption in young adults.

Sharon Donovan, PhD, former president of ASN and co-chair of YINI, helped guide the summit proceedings. "This work is crucial," she said, "especially in light of the global shortfall of dairy consumption. From China to Brazil to the United States, the majority of people simply aren't eating enough dairy to meet their countries' daily recommendations."

Donovan continued: "Although eating practices and lifestyles differ throughout the world, dietary guidance for dairy food consumption is surprisingly consistent. However, when it comes to that same dairy recommendation, some countries are doing better than others.”

For example, in France, 97 percent of the population is meeting the recommendation for daily dairy intake, while in the US, that number is at only 52 percent.  Other countries that are doing better than the US in meeting their government's daily dairy consumptions include Italy (70 percent) and Spain (62 percent), while China and Brazil are lower than the US, at 16 percent and 41 percent respectively.

The Federal University of Sao Paulo's Mauro Fisberg, MD, PhD, concurred with Donovan. "Consuming enough dairy is an important part of a healthful diet," he noted. "Most yogurts help provide the calcium, potassium, and Vitamin D lacking in so many diets. Not getting these necessary nutrients may lead to suboptimal nutritional status and possible longer-term health risks, especially for children and adolescents as they develop."

Adding yogurt to the daily diet would help close the gap between recommendations and actual dairy consumption. For instance, adding a single 8-ounce serving of fat-free or low-fat yogurt would help increase the average US daily dairy consumption to 84 percent of the recommended three servings per day.

A new study presented today showed that only 14 percent of adults and 20 percent of children in the US consumed at least three servings of dairy a day—the amount recommended in the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  Nutritionist and best-selling author Ellie Krieger was on hand to offer up easy solutions to help people reach the recommended dairy goal: "While most people consider yogurt a healthy snack, they don't know the many ways that yogurt can be incorporated into recipes to make meals more nutritious," Krieger said. "Given the right tools and knowledge, anyone can attain a healthy balance with their lifestyle practices and reach dietary goals."

Krieger previewed foods from her latest book Weeknight Wonders, a collection of healthy, delicious recipes using simple ingredients such as yogurt.

Other key research presented at the summit included:

·         Consumption and healthy behavior. Mauro Fisberg, MD, PhD, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, examined the history of yogurt and consumption, noting that one of the most important modifications of yogurt in modern times is the global spread of ready-to-eat products for children, and yogurt with probiotics. He noted differences in yogurt consumption around the world: traditional European countries and Asian and Russian sphere influence regions have higher consumptions, but regions with high lactose intolerance levels have low intake of dairy products, leading to very low calcium intake. 

Fisberg also reported that because of the increased acknowledgement of yogurt as an essential food in some developing countries, there is a growing tendency towards consumption. Yogurt is seen as an important source of calcium and protein and not only as a snack or a dessert. The live cultures in yogurt improve lactose digestion of the product in individuals who have difficulty digesting lactose. 

·         Type 2 diabetes. Nita Forouhi, PhD, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, UK, reported that researchers in the United Kingdom-based EPIC Norfolk study analyzed the relationship between higher consumption of low-fat fermented dairy products and diabetes over 11 years, compared with non-consumption. Low-fat fermented dairy products largely (87 percent) consisted of yogurt, but also included unripened cheese, such as fromage frais, and low-fat cottage cheese, in a middle-aged population in the United Kingdom. 

·         Yogurt consumption and weight management. Angelo Tremblay, PhD, Department of Kinesiology, Laval University, Canada, presented findings regarding the impact of yogurt on appetite control and energy balance and body composition. In a study of nutrition in adult women in the United States, the authors (Gugger, C.K., et. al.) performed a two-year analysis of the relationship between regular consumption of yogurt and BMI. Another (Miguel A. Martinez-Gonzalez, et. al.) reported on a longitudinal study from Spain that examined the association between frequent yogurt consumption (at least one serving a day) and the onset of overweight and/or obesity.

·         Yogurt and cardiovascular disease risk in children and adolescents. Luis Moreno, PhD, professor of Public Health, University of Zaragoza, Spain, reported on research that measured cardiovascular disease risk factors in 511 adolescents from nine European countries (Greece, Germany, Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Sweden, Austria, and Spain) who participated in the cross-sectional HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study. 

·         The importance of milk proteins in elderly health status. Robert R. Wolfe, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas, focused on the importance of plentiful protein for the elderly in maintaining muscle mass, and in benefiting cardiovascular and bone health.

Source: American Society for Nutrition,;

Released: 05/01/14

New Research Published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology Shows How Wheat Activates the Immune Response to Gluten in Celiac Disease

ImmusanT, a company focused on restoring tolerance to gluten and overcoming the need for gluten-free diet in patients with celiac disease, today announced that an article published online in the journal, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, features research findings showing the molecular basis for immune recognition of gluten in patients with celiac disease. ImmusanT’s collaborators in Australia, Monash University’s Jamie Rossjohn, Ph.D., and Hugh Reid, PhD, led the study, along with the company’s chief scientific officer, Bob Anderson, MD, PhD. The international team also included Frits Koning, PhD, from the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands.

“This study allows us to visualize how T cells in patients with celiac disease recognize the key component of wheat gluten that triggers celiac disease”

“This study allows us to visualize how T cells in patients with celiac disease recognize the key component of wheat gluten that triggers celiac disease,” commented Dr. Anderson. “The results of this study demonstrate the target for ImmusanT’s approach to treating celiac disease — the molecular interaction that links dietary gluten to a discrete population of T cells, which can bind precisely to certain gluten peptides. These findings deepen basic understanding of T cells in celiac disease and autoimmune disease and will enable us to continue making progress in the development of treatments for this condition.”

When a person with celiac disease consumes gluten, the individual’s immune system responds by triggering T cells to fight the offending proteins, damaging the small intestine and inhibiting the absorption of important nutrients into the body. The vast majority of those who suffer from celiac disease, or approximately 90 percent of the worldwide patient population, carry the HLA-DQ2.5 immune recognition gene. Today’s research findings show how T cells bind to the molecular complex formed by the gluten peptide attached to HLA-DQ2.5. This interaction is fundamental to the immune reaction to wheat gluten and related proteins found in rye and barley, in patients who carry the gene for HLA-DQ2.5.

“The research findings published today confirm what we suspected was happening on a molecular level to the majority of patients with celiac when they ingest gluten,” said Leslie Williams, president and chief executive officer of ImmusanT. “Our lead candidate, Nexvax2, which is composed of peptides that bind to HLA-DQ2.5, targets gluten-specific T cells and reprograms them so that they act as allies instead of enemies, which means we are intervening right where the problem begins for patients at the molecular level.”

Nexvax2 is a therapeutic vaccine designed to restore immune tolerance to gluten and allow patients to resume an unrestricted diet. ImmusanT is also developing a toolbox of biomarkers including a proprietary, functional T cell test for use both as a standalone diagnostic for celiac disease and as a monitoring tool for Nexvax2.

Visit the Nature Structural and Molecular Biology website to access the entire article.

Released: 05/01/14

New Website Educates Healthcare Professionals on Biotherapeutic Drainage

Seroyal, a leader in natural medicine for nearly three decades, is excited to announce the launch of a, one-of-a-kind website dedicated to Biotherapeutic Drainage (BTD), BTD is a process used my many healthcare practitioners (HCP) and patients that gently removes toxins from the body.

“Until now, there have been very few resources committed to explaining the topic of drainage,” stated Yves Yau, President, Seroyal International. “With this new BTD website, our objective is to provide health care practitioners and their patients with information behind the philosophy of drainage, along with information about its use and benefits. It’s a great example of Seroyal’s on-going commitment to provide educational resources for practitioners and consumers and to improve overall health through the world of natural healing.”

Day to day exposure to environmental toxins is unavoidable. Humans are exposed to a variety of chemicals through the air breathed, the food and drink consumed, the surfaces touched and the products that are used. For more than a century, practitioners of natural medicine have turned to BTD to support the body’s natural detoxification processes to help remove many of these acquired toxins from the body. 

BTD favors the normal physiological tendencies of the body to eliminate toxins — non-aggressively. When supported with plant and mineral remedies or Unda Numbered Compounds, BTD encourages the body towards a state of dynamic equilibrium and self-regulation where true healing can begin. According to traditional homeopathic principles, drainage prompts the body to do what it should do naturally.

“When the body is out of balance, its ability to deal with poor nutrition, stress overload, and environmental toxins severely weakens,” stated Robert Abel, ND, BTD instructor for Seroyal. “BTD addresses the underlying causes of these issues, not just the symptoms, in order to bring the body back to its natural state of homeostasis. When facilitated with appropriate treatment, BTD produces better and longer lasting results.”

The new site offers comprehensive information that addresses a number of drainage topics, including:

·         Theory and history of Biotherapeutic Drainage

·         Toxin accumulation and elimination in the body and its relationship to health

·         Differences between drainage and detoxification

·         Ways to facilitate drainage

Seroyal offers a number of Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs, including a Biotherapeutic Drainage Practitioner Certification Program. To visit the new BTD website, please visit, or for further information about UNDA, please visit

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